Goals,  Personal Development

Unlock your comfort zone

Sometimes pushing outside of our comfort zone is the only way to break free of the old an onto the new you!

Throughout my life I have experienced this personally and seen in others that when we are stuck in a rut or on a plateau, that we can’t seem to see the woods for the trees.  It’s the same scenario as if we were to look at an object close up and can be the same as being stuck in your comfort zone.  Take a painting for example – we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the full picture or even make out what has been painted if the painting was just an inch away from our face. But if we were to view it from just a little further back, we would have a clearer vision of the art work and perhaps start to enjoy its beauty.

I believe we can reach a point in our life (and in my case, this is periodically) when we are ready for change, and when that happens we have the opportunity of accessing a completely new mass of information, which can flood in and help us unlock our potential. But sometimes until we see it, it can be right under our nose and we won’t even know it.  It’s in those moments that I fall back to faith or trust in the process and in myself or the universe, knowing that I will find my next step.


We as human beings are creatures of comfort and have developed our own comfort zones. We constantly look for the easiest way out – the path of least resistance. The super successful high flyers of this world whether it is in business, sports or entertainment all have one major thing ingrained in them. They like to get out of their comfort zone and expand it regularly.

The real secret to unlocking your personal power is to start listening to your feelings and your gut. You need to simply start being honest with yourself.  What do you feel is right, what do you want, do you need to stop, rest, jump or pivot?

Taking action

If you don’t like saying no to people who are asking a favour, start saying no until it becomes comfortable. If you don’t like speaking in groups, force yourself to volunteer for any kind of public activity – it might be a simple event at a school, community hall or local club. Practice and stumble along until you get over the major hurdles that have held you back.

Self improvement is about taking action, getting out of what you currently do and trying something new, pushing your boundaries and going after a goal.  Improving yourself in’t easy, it take persistence and consistent effort, sometimes it can be the very thing you fear the most, which has the ability to unlock your personal power and set you free on a new level of your life.

Life to me is very similar to how a game works with multiple player levels.  You have to keep learning, keep cracking open new levels of the game to succeed.  The game however doesn’t tend to get harder as most game would, in my opinion the enjoyment and the pleasure or ease increases as you push through your comfort zone and up the ladder of your “player” skills.

I was blessed by having a strong grandfather figure in my life who told me that whatever I put my mind to I could achieve, which I utterly believed.  Still to this day I believe I can achieve whatever I put my mind to so I have experienced how the power of faith and positive mental focus can impact what we achieve and what we attempt to achieve.

If you are looking crack through your current situation and onto a new level and out of your comfort zone here are what I believe are the key elements to your success:

  • courage to do what is necessary
  • persistence to push through any areas of pain
  • determination to carry on until you succeed, or pivot and keep going
  • positive mental attitude to reinforce all of the above and visualise the end result.
  • goals – knowing what you want to achieve so clearly you can almost feel it.
  • honest self reflection and forgiveness of yourself or others
  • plan of action or a strategy
  • commitment to change

If you’re about to push outside of your comfort zones, have set your goals or have done so already having seen the benefits, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.


With love



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