Change is in the air
I have quite an update for you and I’ll fill you in with the plans for this year (they have been born out of a new fresh approach!).
But first apologies that I haven’t sent out my e-dates (email updates) for a while… I had to take some time off to reassess what felt right. I don’t know whether or not you can relate to this situation but it would be good to hear from you in the comments if you can!
So to give you some background, I have for the last 18 years been going at full speed taking every possible moment to educate myself or take action in what feels like every second of the day! Mainly due to lack of time as I’ve been a mum for 18 years, with two children (currently 6yrs and 18yrs) I’ve had to fit in a full time job, family time, house time and passion business or education/ strategy etc. I know some of you will know exactly what I mean!! Consequently that has meant I don’t watch TV or have a heavy social life; and I have devoted every spare second to learning, reading or listening to podcasts: on the go, in the shower, on my commute or watching videos or training courses whenever possible – for years!
So this routine, which didn’t really incorporate a balanced view of all my interests, came to a halt when I had to add in a house extension; which quickly took up any “spare” time and energy outside having a family and working. Thankfully after the extension finished it gave me a little room to rethink my priorities and goals once again!
I don’t know about you but I could set goals endlessly, as its something that I have done now for years. This means I have enough goals or interests to engage and wet my appetite and pack out a few years, so I had to really prioritise them into the following:
- Family time
- Me time (previously non existent)
- Health and fitness (previously sporadic)
- Personal development (previously side-lined)
- Career
- Business
Most importantly I wanted to set goals for all the areas; in the past I had not focused on all of the above as I had only set goals in the career and business category.
So the crux of it is, I wiped the slate clean and defined what I wanted to achieve and maintain in my life more holistically.
This then translated into doing the following:
- Spending quality time with my family collectively and individually
- Meditating daily even if only for 10 mins a day
- Restarted my fitness regime with added commitment! I’m now exercising twice a day with weights in the morning and a HIT sprints in the evening.
- I went on a 5 day green juice fast (a first for me) – I was aiming at 10 day but managed 5 (side note is that this had a massive impact on my health and energy levels and has completely refreshed me which I totally did not expect)
- I’m listening to books and reading personal development books on a weekly basis (this was something I used to love doing but as my career took off I stopped)
- I work full time in a job I love, running a marketing agency – I’m still as dedicated as ever but now my energy has increased and with less stress!
- Business – I’ve had to re-think where I’d like to take it and what is important to me which ultimately is: helping people, engaging with my audience, supporting each other, adding value and providing 99% of my content and time for free. The other 1 % will be adding concentrated value thought courses and products that help others and only with things that I find value in and where I feel will greatly help my audience.
So as part of all these changes you will see a change in the coming months as I start to incorporate these ideas and give back via my blog content and podcasts. One of major changes is the rebrand from 360SellerStrategy to which also merges my other brand This rebrand focuses on bringing you authenticity, support and inspiration.
You are at the heart of what I do and therefore I’d love to hear what interests you.
If you’re interested in engaging please do comment to let me know what you’d like to hear about or what interests you the most and at the same time I’m hoping to make it super clear for you so that you can easily decide whether this will interest you or not.
With love
Good article
Thanks Helen
Thank you Wissam, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Hope you are having a good weekend!